Chapter list CalendarLast chapter

I,luso: A novel.

by Julietta Lee-Huffman & Raoul C. Brianson.

Copyright: all text and illustrations © 2024 of the authors.

License: all text and illustrations under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

Published chapters.

-- 100 chapters published, out of a total of 181. That's 55.25%.
Chapter 1. —Published 2024/02/05
Chapter 2. —Published 2024/02/07
Chapter 3: Not a hacker. —Published 2024/02/09
Chapter 4: Losing Ted. —Published 2024/02/10
Chapter 5: Skool daze. —Published 2024/02/12
Chapter 6: Shadows. —Published 2024/02/14
Chapter 7: Secrets. —Published 2024/02/16
Chapter 8: One time only. —Published 2024/02/17
Chapter 9: Saviors. —Published 2024/02/19
Chapter 10: Back to school. —Published 2024/02/21
Chapter 11: Satsuki is bored. —Published 2024/02/23
Chapter 12: Loss of shadows. —Published 2024/02/24
Chapter 13: Leaving Rustown. —Published 2024/02/26
Chapter 14: Margo unbound. —Published 2024/02/28
Chapter 15: Galway's Paul. —Published 2024/03/01
Chapter 16: An April's delusion. —Published 2024/03/02
Chapter 17: Philosophiae doctor. —Published 2024/03/04
Chapter 18: Bonheur total. —Published 2024/03/06
Chapter 19: Flashback. —Published 2024/03/08
Chapter 20: Collection. —Published 2024/03/09
Chapter 21: Dissertation. —Published 2024/03/11
Chapter 22: A tale of coyotes. —Published 2024/03/13
Chapter 23: A successful life. —Published 2024/03/15
Chapter 24: Careerism. —Published 2024/03/16
Chapter 25: Shaftum Corporation. —Published 2024/03/18
Chapter 26: Plagiarism. —Published 2024/03/20
Chapter 27: Desert. —Published 2024/03/22
Chapter 28: Dust. —Published 2024/03/23
Chapter 29: Mouthful. —Published 2024/03/25
Chapter 30: Palm Canyon Dr. —Published 2024/03/27
Chapter 31: A dangerous crush. —Published 2024/03/29
Chapter 32: Normalcy. —Published 2024/03/30
Chapter 33: Rescue party. —Published 2024/04/01
Chapter 34: Eve. —Published 2024/04/03
Chapter 35: Moving in. —Published 2024/04/05
Chapter 36: Treadmill. —Published 2024/04/06
Chapter 37: Data. —Published 2024/04/08
Chapter 38: A bedbug dinner. —Published 2024/04/10
Chapter 39: Consolation. —Published 2024/04/12
Chapter 40: Hiring season. —Published 2024/04/13
Chapter 41: A funeral. —Published 2024/04/15
Chapter 42: Derailing train. —Published 2024/04/17
Chapter 43: Crash. —Published 2024/04/19
Chapter 44: My passion is mine. —Published 2024/04/20
Chapter 45: Clash. —Published 2024/04/22
Chapter 46: The terrace. —Published 2024/04/24
Chapter 47: Cryptic messages. —Published 2024/04/26
Chapter 48: Not that kind of hacker. —Published 2024/04/27
Chapter 49: Detachment. —Published 2024/04/29
Chapter 50: A tale of fish. —Published 2024/05/01
Chapter 51: Road to.... —Published 2024/05/03
Chapter 52: Volunteers. —Published 2024/05/04
Chapter 53: The holy bears of Olanche. —Published 2024/05/06
Chapter 54: Arrivals. —Published 2024/05/08
Chapter 55: Mine #170. —Published 2024/05/10
Chapter 56: Of mechanization. —Published 2024/05/11
Chapter 57: Third incarnation. —Published 2024/05/13
Chapter 58: A tale of a swarm. —Published 2024/05/15
Chapter 59: Adjusting to the cove. —Published 2024/05/17
Chapter 60: The bulletin board. —Published 2024/05/18
Chapter 61: The faceless. —Published 2024/05/20
Chapter 62: Awake. —Published 2024/05/22
Chapter 63: Erstwhile Coast Hostel. —Published 2024/05/24
Chapter 64: Unloading. —Published 2024/05/25
Chapter 65: Guests. —Published 2024/05/27
Chapter 66: A visit to review. —Published 2024/05/29
Chapter 67: You're not it. —Published 2024/05/31
Chapter 68: Training. —Published 2024/06/01
Chapter 69: Park oneself in routine. —Published 2024/06/03
Chapter 70: Frank's goodwill. —Published 2024/06/05
Chapter 71: Mine digging. —Published 2024/06/07
Chapter 72: Mediumship. —Published 2024/06/08
Chapter 73: On nightmares. —Published 2024/06/10
Chapter 74: Voices of insanity, reason. —Published 2024/06/12
Chapter 75: Pity sandwich. —Published 2024/06/14
Chapter 76: Noname. —Published 2024/06/15
Chapter 77: More hints. —Published 2024/06/17
Chapter 78: Hostel world. —Published 2024/06/19
Chapter 79: Numerology. —Published 2024/06/21
Chapter 80: Frank's therapy. —Published 2024/06/22
Chapter 81: Nightmare of reflection. —Published 2024/06/24
Chapter 82. —Published 2024/06/26
Chapter 83: Invader. —Published 2024/06/28
Chapter 84: Drown. —Published 2024/06/29
Chapter 85: Frank's transformation. —Published 2024/07/01
Chapter 86: Roberto. —Published 2024/07/03
Chapter 87: Unicorn. —Published 2024/07/05
Chapter 88: Let's talk. —Published 2024/07/06
Chapter 89: Where the ore is grown. —Published 2024/07/08
Chapter 90: Staring at the ocean. —Published 2024/07/10
Chapter 91: The absent woman. —Published 2024/07/12
Chapter 92: Farewell. —Published 2024/07/13
Chapter 93: Connectivity. —Published 2024/07/15
Chapter 94: Swearing: The liberation. —Published 2024/07/17
Chapter 95: Guests, part two. —Published 2024/07/19
Chapter 96: Lentil soup. —Published 2024/07/20
Chapter 97: For Edward. —Published 2024/07/22
Chapter 98: ...and for all. —Published 2024/07/24
Chapter 99: Bad mouth. —Published 2024/07/26
Chapter 100: Compute this. —Published 2024/07/27
Chapter 101 will be available around 2024/07/29 11:18:11 UTC.